2025-2026 New Students

Live Here
Congratulations on your admission to the University of Maryland!
We’re excited to welcome you to the residence hall community. Join the Maryland Residential Experience, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fully immerse in the Terrapin community and be within steps of everything you need for a successful transition to college life.
How It Works
All new first-year students, including students participating in Living-Learning Programs, must complete a 2025-2026 Residence Hall Housing and Dining Agreement by May 1, 2025, to be eligible to live on campus.
Step 1: Submit your Residence Hall Housing and Dining Agreement
Complete your Agreement by May 1 to be guaranteed residence hall housing. Assignments are based on your Housing Agreement submission date and space availability. You may submit the Housing Agreement before accepting admission to the University.
You will need to verify your personal and emergency contact information, indicate a desire for a disability accommodation, answer questions about living preferences, agree to the Agreement's terms and conditions, and pay your $50 non-refundable application fee (unless granted a fee waiver from Undergraduate Admissions). You may cancel your housing agreement before July 1, 2025, without a financial penalty.
Please note your Directory ID and password become active approximately 24 hours after your electronic admission notice is delivered. You will need this to access the housing application site.
Step 2: Confirm your enrollment & register for orientation
Step 3: Complete Your Profile & Participate in Roommate Finder
Roommate Finder is our online tool to help find and request a roommate. If you are looking for a roommate, Roommate Finder will use your roommate profile to help you find a match. If you choose not to use Roommate Finder, our Resident Life team will assign a roommate based on your roommate profile.
Remember, many Terps choose to be randomly assigned a roommate, so it’s perfectly fine if you don’t have a specific person in mind! This option allows you to embrace new experiences and make unexpected connections.
Step 4: Connect with your roommate & explore items to bring
You will learn your housing assignment and roommate information in mid-July. You can connect with and get to know your roommate and begin planning for residence hall move-in!
Step 5: Move-in and Fall Welcome events
Your residence hall move-in date and time are based on your room assignment. Scheduled arrival times help to alleviate traffic and parking congestion. You will check in and participate in Fall Welcome to kick off your Maryland experience and discover Terrapin traditions and what it means to live on campus!
Key Dates
January | May | June | July | August |
January 24 at 6 p.m.: The Housing Portal and Residence Hall Agreement is open for admitted students. Students can track their admission status through the Terps Application Portal. |
May 1: Deadline to submit your Residence Hall Housing and Dining Agreement to be guaranteed on-campus housing. May 30: Deadline for disability and medical accommodation requests |
June 16–25: Roommate Finder Process | July 17: Assignment Release Room assignments, roommate information, and move-in information are available. |
August 27–29: Move into the UMD residence halls and participate in Fall Welcome. |
Application Instructions
You can login to your Housing Portal to access your Housing Agreement. If you've already started filling out an application, this allows you to return to that agreement.
Complete or verify your contact information.
By providing your preferred FIRST name, we will use this information when communicating with you electronically and in person. Please only use your preferred given name in this field.
For example, if your name is Julian Smith, but you go by Jules, please list your preferred name as “Jules” in this field, NOT “Jules Smith.”
Pursuant to Maryland law, the university may make inquiries into and consider information about a student’s criminal history for certain purposes, including making decisions regarding access to campus residency.
You are responsible for notifying the university of any considerations for a disability, chronic health condition, or other medical or personal issue(s) that have a bearing on your residence hall housing assignment. The Accessibility and Disability Service office determines eligibility. To begin the accommodations request process, visit the ADS portal.
All residents must initially select a dining plan in order to submit this agreement. Students assigned to a kitchen-equipped apartment may cancel their dining plan via the Dining Services website.
Choose your preferred option regarding the genders on your floor or building.
Gender inclusive housing
All students are eligible to participate in gender-inclusive housing, but you must opt-in to the program. All of our residence halls are mixed-gender living environments except for one hall. On your housing application, you will need to select "Yes, I am interested in participating in gender-inclusive housing." You will then receive an email with information about roommate matching.
This roommate option allows you to apply to housing spaces without regard to gender. It is focused on creating an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment where students can live together regardless of sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression.
Consider your preference to live near Hillel Dining or in a substance-free environment, have limited male visitation, and/or live in a triple or quad room with lower room rates.
This information will be shared with potential roommates during the Roommate Finder process.
Requesting a roommate
You can search for and request a roommate using the Roommate Finder process. The Housing Agreement provides an opportunity for you to tell a bit about yourself so that other students with similar preferences (or lifestyles) to yours can use the roommate matching tool to find other similar students.
Once you find a student you would like to live with, we recommend reaching out to that student. Both you and your roommate will need to mutually confirm one another within the Housing Portal.
Randomly assigned roommate
If you choose not to use Roommate Finder, our team will assign a roommate based on your roommate profile. Remember, many Terps choose to be randomly assigned a roommate, so it’s perfectly fine if you don’t have a specific person in mind! This option allows you to embrace new experiences and make unexpected connections.
Roommate agreement
We have created a roommate agreement that includes topics to help roommates and suite/apartmentmates better understand each other's needs, beliefs and expectations. The roommate agreement is a guideline for a respectful and fun living environment. You will complete the plan together and review it with your RA.
You may opt-in to text message notifications to include a one-time text message as well as two-way texting or chatting.
This section allows you to provide information regarding your gender, pronouns, and T-shirt size. Providing this information is optional.
This final section allows you the opportunity to review Agreement terms regarding living in the residence halls at the University of Maryland.
How we make assignments
Housing Assignments are based on a variety of factors, including Living-Learning Programs, roommate preferences, accommodation requests, and space availability.
Changes to room assignment
Room reassignment process is available in mid-September. You will receive an email with details about how to request a room change when our team can begin offering assignment changes.
Rates & Fees
We offer a differentiated rate structure based on style, room type, and amenities, making housing costs more equitable and affordable for students and families. The rates reflect the academic year (9.5 months) with all-inclusive pricing (laundry, utilities, phone, cable, wireless, and high-speed internet connection).
On-campus students can enroll in the Terp Payment Plan to spread payments for tuition, room, and dining plans in manageable monthly installments for the semester.

2024-2025 Housing Fees
View room rates and learn about Terp Payment Plan options. 2025-2026 Housing Fees will be available soon.

Additional Resources

Explore Your New Home
Explore our traditional residence halls, apartments and suites with photos and 360 virtual tours