Terp to Terp Campus ReUse Store
We support students’ essential needs and foster a culture of social responsibility and waste reduction. Our store collects and distributes small appliances, kitchen items, room accessories, clothing, and school supplies donated throughout the year.
Terp To Terp: How It Works
All items are FREE for UMD students! But please only take what you need. If you’re a student at UMD in need of essential living items, set up an appointment to shop for unused or gently used items. Bring your own bags, boxes, and transportation, as we are unable to deliver items.
Schedule an Appointment
To make an appointment and see what we have in store, please email terptoterp@umd.edu.
Store Location
We are on the ground floor of Harford Hall. Enter through the service entrance facing the Memorial Chapel.
Make a donation online to the Terp to Terp ReUse Store fund. Any amount donated makes a difference!
Volunteer Opportunities
Get involved and help with daily operations – open to any UMD student, faculty or staff member.

Donation Drop-Off
Students can drop off donated items directly in their residence hall collection bins near the service desk.
Any UMD or community member can drop off donations Monday–Friday at the Campus Pantry Welcome Desk between 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Directions to Campus PantryAccepted Items
Thank you for your interest in donating! Below, please find a list of items we are collecting for donation.
- Coffee makers
- Blenders
- Microwaves
- Vacuums
- Fans
- Crock pot
- Rice cooker
- Cutlery (spoons, forks, knives)
- Pots, pans, baking trays
- Dishes, cups, bowls, plates
- Food storage containers
- Cooking utensils (spatula, whisk, tongs)
- Water pitchers
- Alarm clocks
- Curtain rods
- Mirrors
- Lamps
- Bed risers
- Storage bins
- Cleaning supplies (broom, dust pan, mop)
- Shoe racks
- Notebooks
- Art supplies
- Binders
- Writing utensils (pens, pencils, markers)
- Jackets
- Sweatshirts
- Jeans
- T-Shirts
- Sweaters
- Pants
- Dress or polo shirts
- Blazers
Unaccepted Items
Explore the list below to see which items are not collected for donation.
- Carpets
- Bedding (pillowcases, sheets)
- Pillows
- Towels
- Refrigerators
- Televisions
- Computer monitors
- Shoes
- Socks
- Undergarments
- Clothing with holes
- Clothing with odors
- Clothing with stains
- Stained clothes

Partnering for Goals
The University of Maryland is working towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a better world by 2030.
Campus staff are addressing climate change, aquatic ecosystems, and reducing inequalities, while faculty and students are involved in various academic and research projects addressing all SDGs.
MORE INFO ON SUSTAINABLE UMDCreating a Culture of ReUse: Progress and Highlights
As of August 2024

Contact Us
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at terptoterp@umd.edu.
We’re happy to help!
Send us a message